Variable Configuration
Configuration of Neon Proxy
The following variables may be configured to customize your Neon Proxy implementation:
Variable | Description/Link |
PRX_PERM_ACCOUNT_LIMIT | Sets number of holder accounts / TPS to provide 100 TPS, PRX_PERM_ACCOUNT_LIMIT = 32 |
PRX_MINIMAL_GAS_PRICE | Hard set for minimum gas price to tx to mempool |
PRX_OPERATOR_FEE | Sets Operator fee as a fraction of 100%, 0.1 = 10% fee |
PRX_PP_SOLANA_URL | HTTP/S address of the Solana network with the main Pyth oracle contract, e.g. this Devnet address |
PRX_PYTH_MAPPING_ACCOUNT | Solana address of the Pyth mapping account, e.g. this Devnet address BmA9Z6FjioHJPpjT39QazZyhDRUdZy2ezwx4GiDdE2u2 as per the Pyth account data page, |
PRX_UPDATE_PYTH_MAPPING_PERIOD_SEC | Time period to reread the Pyth mapping account |
PRX_HOLDER_SIZE | Holder account size. Defaults to 262,144 bytes |
FAUCET_URL | For use in Devnet and Testnet: URL to the faucet service for distributing NEON tokens to the users |
INDEXER_ERC20_WRAPPER_WHITELIST | A comma-separated list of ERC20-for-Spl wrapped tokens for transfer (those transactions which trigger the service to allow gas-less transactions). The gas-tank looks for the first transfers of such tokens from Solana to Neon (those transfers that lead to the creation of Neon accounts). |
PORTAL_BRIDGE_CONTRACTS | A comma-separated list of Portal Bridge contracts |
PORTAL_BRIDGE_TOKENS_WHITELIST | An allowlist of tokens for the transfer which will trigger gas-less transactions. This set should contain "tokenChain:tokenAddress", where: tokenChain is an original token chain number in terms of Portal bridge numbers tokenAddress is the address of the token in hexadecimal lowercase form with a '0x' prefix. Alt: provide the ANY value to accept any token. |
ERC20_BRIDGE_CONTRACTS | A comma-separated list of Common ERC20 Bridge contracts |
ERC20_BRIDGE_TOKENS_WHITELIST | An allowlist of tokens whose transfer triggers the providing of gasless transactions. Comma-separated ERC20 addresses. Alt: provide the ANY value to accept any token. |
should both be specified. If either is missed, the gas tank doesn't analyze Portal Bridge transfers.
should both be specified. If they are missed, the gas tank doesn't analyze common ERC20 transfers.
What next?
A full list of the parameters are available in the sample configuration.
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