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Local Proxy to Remote Solana


The Proxy local testing tutorial describes how to perform testing with a local Proxy to a local Solana node. This option can be useful for developers who want to debug their Solidity contracts by hosting both Proxy and Solana nodes locally. This page provides a tutorial that demonstrates how to transact from a local Proxy to a public, remote Solana.


Network configuration

  • The target Solana cluster is accessed via the locally-hosted Proxy.
  • Solana Testnet/Devnet/Mainnet is used, and the Proxy interacts with it through Neon EVM.

Set up a local Proxy

First, set up and host a Proxy locally as per the following steps. After executing these commands, the Proxy is available at http://localhost:9090/solana. This address and port are set by default.

Step 1: Docker

Docker images themselves are never "started" and never "running". The docker run command takes the Docker image as a template and produces a container from it. Before starting your Proxy container, you need to start service containers.

Make sure that you have a daemon running by executing the following command:

docker info

If you see something like this:

Can't connect to the Docker daemon at <docker.sock>. Is the docker daemon running?

run the daemon first:

sudo systemctl start docker

Step 2: Run the Database, Indexer, and Proxy services

In this step, you will create the services necessary for the function of the Proxy (including Database and Indexer services), as well as the Proxy service itself. These services, whose functions follow, are controlled by a docker-compose.yml file.

Database Services

This container aims to handle the database that stores all the relevant Ethereum processing metadata linked to each other: transactions, blocks, receipts, accounts, etc. This data is consumed by the Indexer service.

Currently, Neon EVM proxies are hard coded to work with PostgreSQL. To connect the Proxy to a database, you need to start a PostgreSQL container. The default settings are hard coded in the following docker-compose.yml file. If you want to use your Proxy with other settings, you need to register as an Operator so that Neon EVM can recognize your keys.

Only authorized Operators can change the settings of these parameters. Learn more about operating a Neon Proxy

Indexer service

The Indexer service indexes all the relevant Ethereum processing metadata consisting of signatures, transactions, blocks, receipts, accounts, etc. It gathers all this data from the Solana blockchain, filtering them by the EVM contract address. It enables us to provide our users with the Ethereum API.

Proxy service

The Proxy service is a core service that allows Ethereum-like transactions to be processed on Solana, taking full advantage of Solana-native functionality, including the ability to execute transactions in parallel.

The Neon EVM address is registered inside neonlabsorg/proxy, so the Proxy knows which Neon EVM is running in the Solana cluster. After executing this command, the Proxy will be available at http://localhost:9090/solana. This address and port are set by default.

Create and run services with Docker Compose

In order to create and run these services:

  1. Create a file id.json for storing an Operator key. Put Solana private key to the id.json.

  2. Set the following environment variables

    • EVM_LOADER, i.e. the contract address for Neon EVM
      • For Devnet/Testnet, use: eeLSJgWzzxrqKv1UxtRVVH8FX3qCQWUs9QuAjJpETGU
      • For Mainnet, use: NeonVMyRX5GbCrsAHnUwx1nYYoJAtskU1bWUo6JGNyG
    • VERSION - neon proxy revision
    • SOLANA_KEY_FOR_EVM_CONFIG - operator key, should be a valid solana public key with SOLs on it

Example for devnet configuration:

export VERSION=v1.13.20

Please note that public Solana nodes have rate limits and they may not work with the local Neon Proxy. If you want to host the local instance on your end you need a Solana node with no rate limits. You can set up your own node or just request one from a provider like P2P, Everstake or QuickNode.

  1. Download the files needed to run services:
# docker-compose file

# directory to store the data in case you want to rerun indexer service
mkdir indexer_db

# db scheme
mkdir db
cd db
cd ..
  1. Start the local environment.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-ro.yml up -d
  1. Check the local environment. You can ensure that start is successful by service statuses:
dbcreation - Exited
indexer - Up
postgres, proxy - Up (healthy)

If proxy works, the request

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","id":1}'

will return current block as in the example:

  1. Destroy the local environment. If you want to destroy the local environment, run the following command:
docker-compose down

Connect to a Solana cluster RPC endpoint

RPC endpoints

To use a Solana RPC endpoint, you need to specify the variable -e SOLANA_URL='http://<Solana node RPC endpoint>' on the command line.

When a Proxy is deployed, it generates a wallet containing a key pair. If you don't need the new wallet and want to use the keys you already have, you need to specify the path to your wallet on the command line.

Command Line Options

  • ~/.config/solana/id.json — absolute path to your key pair file stored locally
  • --name proxy — specifies the Proxy name
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