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Web3Auth SDK


This guide will walk you through the steps of a working example for integrating Web3Auth pluggable wallet infrastructure for Web3 wallets and applications using Web3Auth SDK and ReactJS.

Integrating Web3Auth into your decentralized application (dApp) or blockchain wallet offers a means to greatly streamline the user onboarding process, ensuring a smooth and uncomplicated experience for your users. Concurrently, Web3Auth enables the preservation of your wallet management system's non-custodial nature. This ensures that users continue to possess complete control and ownership of their cryptographic wallets, thereby strengthening the foundational principles of privacy and security inherent in blockchain technology. To learn more, please follow the Web3Auth documentation.


  • NodeJS 16.x or newer

How to integrate Web3Auth SDK

This tutorial is based on the example located in this repository.

Step 1: Create a Web3Auth project and get the Client ID from Web3Auth Dashboard

1.1 Go to the login page and login with any of your social login credentials.

1.2 Create a new project to get the Client ID for the project.

1.3 Copy the Client ID.

Step 2: Installation

Note: This page is just a quickstart based on a specific example program.

2.1 Using Git, clone the example project from the remote repository and navigate to it:

git clone
cd neon-tutorials/web3auth

2.2 Then, run the following command:

npm install

This will install all the necessary packages to continue with the example.

Step 3: Configure the project

3.1 In the src/App.tsx file, replace this line with your own Client ID.

const clientId =

3.2 Add the chain configuration

// Neon EVM Devnet
const chainConfig = {
chainId: "0xe9ac0ce",
rpcTarget: "",
chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
displayName: "Neon EVM Devnet",
blockExplorerUrl: "",
ticker: "NEON",
tickerName: "Neon",
logo: "",

Step 4: Run and interact with the application

4.1 To start the application in your local machine, run -

npm run start

This will redirect to http://localhost:3000/ where you can interact with the application.

4.2 Click on the login button to open the login modal.

This Web3Auth example allows you to login via the following ways -

  • Social logins like Google, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Apple, Github, X, Linkedin and many more.
  • Email or Phone number.
  • Metamask wallet.

4.3 After successfully signing in with any of the above mentioned ways of signing in, the following methods can be checked on Neon EVM -


By default, this example is configured to connect with Neon EVM Devnet. readContract() and writeContract() functions in the src/web3RPC.ts file includes a simple storage contract address 0x093451875d5A8D61bB90faA7A8645eB17c86b297 and its ABI deployed on Neon EVM Devnet.

If you change the chain configuration to Neon EVM Mainnet, then please deploy the smart contract on Neon EVM Mainnet and replace the deployed address and the contract ABI in readContract() and writeContract() functions in the src/web3RPC.ts file.

  • Get Chain ID: Displays the network chain ID to which the dApp is connected. This value is 245022926, when the chain configuration is Neon EVM Devnet and 245022934 when the chain configuration is Neon EVM Mainnet.

  • Get Accounts: Displays the wallet account on Neon EVM Devnet connected to the dApp.

  • Get Balance: Displays the balance of NEONs for the wallet account that is connected to the dApp.

  • Sign Message: Signs a message with the connected wallet account and returns the signed message.

  • Send Transaction: Does a simple NEON transfer from account to another and returns the transaction receipt.

  • Read Contract: Calls a read-only contract method and returns the result. In this example, it returns a message stored in the simple storage contract 0x093451875d5A8D61bB90faA7A8645eB17c86b297 deployed on Neon EVM Devnet.

  • Write Contract: Sends a transaction to the smart contract method and returns the transaction receipt. In this example, the message is updated in the simple storage contract 0x093451875d5A8D61bB90faA7A8645eB17c86b297 deployed on Neon EVM Devnet.

  • Log Out: Logs out of the account connected.

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