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Neon EVM is Touching Down at ETH Seoul 2024

Date and time
Fri, March 29 at 11:00 AMSun, March 31 at 03:00 PM
Seoul, South Korea
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Neon EVM is excited to join the power-packed hackathons, events, and networking as we head to Seoul, Korea, from March 29-31, 2024.

ETH Seoul is a 3-day hackathon in South Korea that runs from March 29 to 31 and is designed for blockchain enthusiasts, developers, and the broader Web3 community. We are proud to officially announce that Neon EVM will be the exclusive Gold Sponsor of ETH Seoul 2024.

Ethereum dApps Deployed and Run on Solana

Simeon Kotashki, Lead Integration Engineer of Neon EVM, will walk you through Neon EVM’s seamless technology that enables you to deploy your Ethereum dApps on Solana using the same familiar Ethereum-native tools like Solidity, Remix, Foundry, Vyper, Hardhat, etc. Date: March 29, 2024 Time: 14:30 - 15:00 KST

Hack the Neon Challenge: BUIDL dApps with Potential

This year, Neon EVM challenges participants to push the boundaries of what is possible with blockchain technology. Participants are invited to create any type of dApps to showcase the best use of Neon EVM leveraging one or more of our standout features:

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) dApps: Build or port Ethereum-native DeFi dApps, tools, platforms, or infrastructure onto Neon EVM. Adapt traditional DeFi primitives into Neon-native dApps, infusing them with unique features that set them apart. Challenge the DeFi ecosystem with innovative solutions in lending, borrowing, staking, yields, payments, etc.

  • Web2 integrations to blockchain: Unleash your innovative prowess by moving an existing web2 use-case or popular solution (social media, aggregators, e-commerce, supply chain, or any other) and bring it on-chain to improve utility and value-add.

  • Design gaming apps: Design blockchain-based games or gaming platforms and launch on Neon EVM.

  • NFT challenge: Get creative and build dApps to appeal to the degen web3 native audience – collections, games, jpegs, marketplaces, music – just think outside the box.

We challenge you to create dApps that redefine the status quo and pave the way for a decentralized future. And yes, with a total prize pool of $5,000, the winners take home:

1st Place: $2,000 2nd Place: $1,000 3rd Place: $500

An additional $1,500 is up for grabs for any team deploying a working dApp on Neon EVM's devnet or mainnet. These prizes are more than just monetary rewards; they celebrate those who believe in the power of creativity, ingenuity, and the transformative potential of blockchain technology.

Gear Up to Join the Revolution

For those interested in taking up the challenge, resources such as Neon EVM developers’ website, GitHub, and documentation are invaluable. Tools like NeonScan and Neon Faucet are also available to support your development journey.

So mark your calendars, pack your bags, and join us at ETH Seoul for an unforgettable experience. Whether competing, collaborating, or simply soaking in the atmosphere, take the chance to meet Neon EVM team and immerse yourself in the vibrant community shaping the future of blockchain.